
Professional mapping of standalone engine management systems.

  • VEMS
  • Speeduino
  • Megasquirt (MS-I, MS-II & MS-III)
    • KData (kdFi V1.4 & 1.3)
    • UMC (UMC 1 & 2)

Development of various engine concepts for motorsports and ambitious motor enthusiasts.
Customised engine design and calculation.


  • Exhaust header calculation
  • Valve train design & calculation
  • 3D CAD design

Dipl.-Ing. Sebastian Schmidt

Dipl.-Ing. Sebastian Schmidt - Dienstleistungen

Back in 2010, I founded the SRT Forum and the SaxoRacingTeam as a community. The fundamental idea of creating a new platform for Citroen and Peugeot drivers with an interest in technology quickly turned into a grouping of various vehicle lovers and enthusiasts that is known throughout Germany and continues to grow.
During my consultations in the community, I was able to accompany, coordinate and advance many ambitious projects – from high-revving racing engines to reliable turbo engines. Based on many years of experience with various vehicle projects (in tuning and motorsport) and with the necessary technical background as a graduate engineer (mechanical engineering), I founded the company Dipl.-Ing. Sebastian Schmidt – SaxoRacingTeam in 2014.

  • since 2014 services as Dipl.-Ing. Sebastian Schmidt – SaxoRacingTeam
  • support of motorsport teams/vehicles since 2010
  • development of vehicle parts and constructive realisation since 2008
  • experience with various standalone ECUs (mainly VEMS and MegaSquirt, KData, UMC) since 2008
  • extensive experience in the modification of Citroen / Peugeot vehicles since 2006
  • Diploma studies: mechanical engineering / production engineering – TU Chemnitz, graduated in 2013
  • Main focus: Production engineering, welding technology, design engineering, fibre composite plastics, lightweight construction, CAD design, vehicle technology


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